
Seeking Professional Advice

The Dr Lockie Self Help Homeopathy website is designed to be a self-help resource for those who wish to learn more about, and use, homeopathy in their everyday lives.

However, no website is a replacement for personal, professional medical advice. The Ailments & Diseases pages in this site often provide an indication of the urgency of seeking professional medical advice.

Finding a Homeopathic Practitioner

There are two basic kinds of homeopathic practitioner. The first kind are the medically qualified homeopath: over a thousand are registered with the British Homoeopathic Association alone. They have studied at an orthodox medical school and later at one of the homeopathic hospitals or one of the accredited teaching groups (see Directory). They have access to conventional methods of diagnoses and treatment as well as homeopathic techniques.

The second is a non-medically qualified homeopath. He or she has no orthodox qualification and thus lacks the clinical experience of the full spectrum of disease. The situation is further complicated by the greatly varying standards of homeopathy taught in the different colleges. If you wish to consult a practitioner who is not medically qualified, you are strongly recommended to choose one who is registered with a reputable organization in your country, such as the Society of Homeopaths in the UK.

The best way to select a practitioner is by talking to friends and acquaintances about their experiences, but you may also ask the advice of your National Health Service medical practitioner - usually your own family doctor. If you have any difficulty contact a reputable organization in your country, such as the British Homoeopathic Association or the Society of Homeopaths in the UK, but stay under the continuing care and observation of your medical practitioner.

You may be put in touch with a homeopath who uses less conventional methods. There are many concepts which go under the name of homeopathy today. The practitioner is the best guide to the one which will best suit your needs. If you discover that your homeopath's philosophy and practice do not meet your expectations, you are of course free to find another practitioner.

The homeopathic practitioner must put the care and cure of his or her patients above any particular beliefs about which branch of homeopathy is right. As Hahnemann himself said, it is not so much the theories about the causation and treatment of illness that are important, but the results.

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