This website’s content comes from a book that was written in the UK so the directory is inevitably weighted towards UK organisations. We aim to make it more international as time goes on and welcome your suggestions for new organisations to add, or indeed ones to take away.
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 Records Displayed Per Page 
  1 - 100  [230]
 A. Nelson and Co. Ltd  ABC Homeopathy
 Action Against Allergy (AAA)  Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
 Ainsworths  Al-Anon Family Groups
 Albany Trust Counselling  Alcohol Concern
 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)  Alcoholics Anonymous (Great Britain) Limited
 American Board of Homeotherapeutics (ABHt)  American Institute of Homeopathy
 Arcanum  Arthritic Association
 Arthritis Care  Asociacion Medica Homeopatica Argentina
 Asociacion Medica Homeopatica de Colombia  Association des Patients Les Amis de L’Homeopathie
 Association for Imrovements in the Maternity Services (AIMS)  Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (ASBAH)
 Association of Child Psychotherapists  Association of Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children
 Associazione Italiana di Omotossicologia (AIOT)  Associazione Italiana Omeopatia
 Associazione Omeopatica Bresciana  Australian Centre for Homeopathy
 Australian Homeopathic Association  Australian Homeopathic Association
 Axelssons Gymnastiska Institut  
 Bach Flower Essences®  BackCare
 Banovich Chemists  Bates Association for Vision Education (BAVE)
 Bioforce of America Ltd  Boericke and Tafel Inc.
 Boiron Canada Inc.  Brauer Biotherapies
 Bristol Homeopathic Hospital  British Acupuncture Council
 British Association For Autogenic Training And Therapy (BAFATT)  British Association for Counselling and Pyschotherapy (BACP)
 British Association of Psychotherapists  British Chiropractic Association
 British Homeopathic Association (Incorporating The Homeopathic Trust)  British Homeopathic Library
 British Medical Acupuncture Society  British Osteopathic Association (BOA)
 British Reflexology Association  British Society of Ecological Medicine (BSEM)
 British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis  British Wheel of Yoga
 Brook Advisory Centres  Buxton and Grant
 Canadian Society of Homeopathy  CancerHelp UK
 Centre d’Etudes Homeopathiques de France  Centre de Techniques Homeopathiques
 Centro Clinico Omoios  Centro Italiano di Studi e Documentazione in Omeopatia (CISDO)
 Centro Omeopatico Siciliano S.C Hahnemann C.O.S  Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
 Children's Hearing Assessment Centre (CHAC)  Chiropractic Academy of Homeopathy
 College of Naturopathic & Complementary Medicine  Contemporary College of Therapeutic Studies
 Counsel and Care  Cruse, Bereavement Care
 Cry-sis Helpline  Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust
 DCG Nordic AB  Down's Syndrome Association
 Dr Brian Kaplan  Dr. Edward Bach Centre
 Escuela Medica Homeopatica Argentina  Escuela Medica Homeopatica Venezolana
 European Society of Hypnosis In Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine  
 Fachverband Deutscher Heilpraktiker  Faculty of Homeopathy
 Families Anonymous  Farmacia Homeopática Cangallo
 Farmacia Homeopática de Flores  Farmacia La Recova
 Farmacia Rio de Oro  Farmacia Salvatori
 Farmacia San Andres  Farmacia Unida
 Farmacia Vassallo  Fedration Nationale des Societes Medicales Homeopathiques de France
 Foresight, the Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care  Foundation for Homeopathic Education and Research (FHER)
 Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths (FSID)  Freeman's Homeopathic Chemists
 Fundacion Venezolana de Medicina Homeopatica  
 Galen Homoeopathics  Gamblers Anonymous
 General Council and Register of Naturopaths  General Osteopathic Council
 Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital  Goulds the Chemist
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