

Acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas, often associated with Gallstones; occurs when powerful enzymes secreted by pancreas, destined for the gut, leak into pancreatic tissue instead.

Acute Pancreatitis
Can be precipitated by blockage of the pancreatic duct by a gallstone, parathyroid problems, excessive amounts of food or alcohol, abdominal injury, or in rare cases Mumps; symptoms come on 12-24 hours after excessive eating or drinking, with agonising pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the back and chest, and vomiting; person may even go into Shock.

Appropriate action is to contact Emergency Medical Services and give Aconite 30c every 15 minutes for up to 6 doses until help arrives. In hospital, painkillers will be given, and an intravenous drip to enable digestive system to rest; surgery to remove gall bladder may also be necessary.

Chronic Pancreatitis
Develops slowly, sometimes as a sequel to acute pancreatitis, causing dull upper abdominal pain, usually relieved by bending forwards; most sufferers are heavy drinkers or have gallstones. As enzyme and hormone manufacturing functions of pancreas deteriorate, chronic Indigestion, mild Jaundice, or Diabetes may set in. Orthodox treatment is to prescribe painkillers and replacement enzymes, or, in severe cases, to remove damaged part of pancreas.

For chronic pancreatitis, constitutional homeopathic treatment is recommended, although the following remedies may be taken while expert help is being sought.

Specific remedies to be taken ½ -hourly for up to 10 doses

  • All food being vomited up, everything appears larger than usual, dry throat, difficulty swallowing Atropine 30c
  • Empty, gnawing feeling in upper abdomen, made worse by cold, and by food and drink (especially milk), person thirsty, stomach full of wind, with painful burning sensation in navel region Kali iod. 30c
  • Stabbing pains in upper abdomen, feeling chilly, sweat smells offensive, signs of jaundice Mercurius 30c
  • Cutting pains in upper abdomen, watery stools, burning sensation in bowels and rectum Iris 30c
  • Cutting pains in upper abdomen which intensify in warm, quiet surroundings, especially when lying on right side Iodum 30c
  • Fiery, burning pains in upper abdomen which get worse between midnight and 2 am, person chilly and restless Arsenicum iod. 30c
  • Jaundice, with large yellow patches on abdomen, empty sensation in stomach, sharp cutting pains in upper abdomen, craving for cold drinks, although these are vomited up as soon as they become warm in stomach Phosphorus 30c

Self-help: Give up alcohol altogether - chances of recovery are minimal if pancreas continues to be poisoned by alcohol. Eat a low-fat diet.

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  Arsenicum iod.
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