Therapeutic Diet

One of the criticisms thrown at orthodox doctors is that they treat people like they treat cars. In one sense this is true. Like a car, a body will only run properly if it is given the right fuel at the right time. It is clear, however, that great variations exist and what is a good way of eating for one person may be disastrous for another. We believe that everybody should look at the food they eat and the way they eat it at least once in their lives, preferably when they are in good health. This should be done in the spirit of taking general responsibility for your own health. Part of this is to find out the most efficient fuel supply for your body and should be part of a total programme including exercise, attention to lifestyle and avoidance of stress, etc. If you feel you could do with a cleanout, try a limited fast; this could be followed by a Liver Diet over one month, but remember to substitute permitted for forbidden foods and eat enough quantity and variety of foods. Chew carefully and try to be in a quiet frame of mind at mealtimes.

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