
Ailments & Diseases

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Mind & Emotion
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Skin, Nails & Hair
Teeth & Gums
Mouth, Tongue, Throat & Voice
Lungs & Respiration
Heart, Blood & Circulation
Muscles, Bones & Joints
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Digestive System 2
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Problems in Men
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Immune System & Infections
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Childbirth & Post Natal
Problems in Infants
Child Ailments & Diseases
Problems in Adolescence
Problems in Elderly
> Introduction to Child Ailments & Diseases - Many of the conditions which affect children between the age of one...
Abdominal Migraine (Cyclical Vomiting) - Periodic attacks of abdominal pain in which the child is very pale and w...
Abdominal Pain in Children (Stomach Ache) - May be due to appendicitis, obstruction, food poisoning, gastroenteri...
Adenoids - Usually adenoids shrink after the age of 5 and disappear by puberty. Enlargement can cause obstruction...
Asthma in Children - Narrowing of the small airways in the lungs, causing child to wheeze, cough, choke, and figh...
Autism - Withdrawal from all forms of social contact. Child retreats into own world, refuses to be cuddled, avoid...
Bed Wetting - Towards the end of their second year most children begin to know what a full bladder or bowel feels...
Chafing - Sore, red skin caused by friction against clothing...
Chicken Pox - A very infectious viral disease spread by droplets from the nose, mouth, or rash of an infected chi...
Clumsiness - Poor coordination and accident-proneness may be due to anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of concentr...
Colds in Children - Extremely common in childhood, especially once child goes to school or playschool and is expo...
Constipation in Children - Definitions vary, some doctors defining constipation as the failure to pass a stool ev...
Cough in Children - Coughing expels foreign bodies and irritating mucus from the trachea and airways of the lungs...
Croup & Stridor - Stridor is medical shorthand for 'crowing', grunting, and wheezing brought on by sudden nar...
Diptheria - Acute bacterial infection of the throat (larynx, pharynx, tonsils), once common but now rare due to i...
Dyslexia - Child has normal IQ but finds reading and spelling difficult and unrewarding, confusing similar letter...
Eczema in Children - An allergic reaction to incompletely digested protein or to toxins in the blood due to the l...
Febrile Convulsions - Fits brought on by fever. There is no evidence that febrile convulsions cause permanent bra...
Feeding Problems in Children - Despite the guilt and rejection felt by many parents whose children refuse to eat,...
Fever in Children - Fever, signalled by body temperature rising above the normal range of 36-37°C (96.8-98.6°F), ...
Fits in Children - Not all involuntary, convulsive movements are epileptic fits or traceable to injury or infecti...
Foot Problems in Children - Causes include fractures, sprains or bruising, athlete's foot, splinters, warts or ha...
Glue Ear in Children - Muffled hearing due to build-up of sticky fluid in middle ear and poor transmission of sou...
Growing Pains - Aching, heavy pains in the calves and thighs, usually experienced between age of six and thirteen...
Growth Disorders - If your child’s height or weight lies outside the acceptable range for his or her age, consult...
Hepatitis in Children - Children are usually affected by type A viral hepatitis, spread from faeces to mouth by p...
Indigestion in Children - Heartburn, belching, flatulence, nausea, or just vague discomfort after eating. In chil...
Insecurity in Children - Most young children have fears and apprehensions of some kind. They may be afraid of the...
Lack of Confidence - Some degree of nervousness and uncertainty in unfamiliar situations is quite natural in todd...
Limping - If limp disappears when child is barefoot, suspect shoes or socks that are too tight, or a nail stickin...
Measles - Highly infectious viral disease spread by droplets in coughs and sneezes. More serious in adults than c...
Meningitis in Children - Inflammation of membranes or meninges surrounding brain and spinal cord, caused by bacte...
Mental Handicap - One child in fifty is assessed as educationally subnormal and likely to benefit from going to a...
Mumps - Viral infection of saliva glands (parotid and sub-maxillary), spread by droplets in coughs and sneezes. N...
Nephritis - Inflammation of the kidneys, often brought on by abnormal immune reaction to infection, especially to...
Nephrotic Syndrome - Damage to kidneys, resulting in decreased flow of urine, excretion of protein in urine, and ...
Pneumonia in Children - Infection of the lungs caused by various bacteria and viruses...
Rheumatic Fever - An allergic reaction to streptococcal infections, causing acute inflammation of the joints, rhe...
Ringworm (Tinea) - Nothing to do with worms! A fungal infection of the skin, so called because it causes red, sca...
Roseola Infantum - Virus infection of children aged between six months and three years. Incubation period variabl...
Rubella (German Measles) - A mild but very infectious viral illness, seldom serious in children - encephalitis is...
Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina) - Infection caused by streptococcal bacteria, less contagious today thanks to modern h...
School Phobia - Child dreads going to school. May be due to factors at home or at school, with negative emotions ...
Sleep Problems in Children - Except when child is ill, disturbed sleep may be due to irregular bedtimes, overtire...
Speech Difficulties - Stay be due to partial or total deafness, excitement, or anxiety, or may be associated with...
Squint in Children - Not usually apparent until child is three months old, often associated with short sight or l...
Stammering - Repetitive stumbling over consonants at beginnings of words, usually a sign of stress in children ov...
Still`s Disease - An autoimmune disease similar to rheumatoid arthritis. Usually onsets between age of two and fi...
Tantrums - Outbursts of angry crying, shouting, and screaming if demands are not instantly met. Tensions within t...
Teething - Sore gums, irritability, and stomach upsets during eruption of milk teeth. Babies cut their first teet...
Threadworms - Tiny, white, thread-like worms which infest the rectum, causing itching around anus and sometimes...
Toilet Training Problems - Before the age of eighteen months most children are simply unable to make the connecti...
Tonsilitis in Children - Infected tonsils. The tonsils are two small sacs of lymphatic tissue on either side of t...
Tooth Decay in Children - From the moment they erupt, teeth are vulnerable to decay. Bacteria act on sugars in th...
Undescended Testicles (Cryptorchidism) - The testes, the male reproductive organs, migrate from the abdomen into ...
Vulvovaginitis - Redness, soreness and itchiness around vulva (vaginal opening), usually caused by germs in faece...
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) - A highly infectious illness caused by bacteria, serious in very young children and o...
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