
Ailments & Diseases

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If you are sure of the diagnosis, look it up under the appropriate bottle in the left hand column. Information on all the homeopathic remedies that are named appears under Treatments. Everyone should read the Legal Disclaimer.

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Problems in Men
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Immune System & Infections
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Childbirth & Post Natal
Problems in Infants
Child Ailments & Diseases
Problems in Adolescence
Problems in Elderly
> Introduction to Problems in Infants - There can be little doubt that breast-feeding gives a baby the best possi...
Asphyxia in Newborn - Failure of a newborn baby to breathe, more common in small-for-dates babies, overdue babies...
Bronchiolitis - Viral infection which causes swelling of the membranes lining the smaller airways (bronchioles) i...
Colds in Infants - Quite common in young babies, but not harmful unless they interfere with feeding, or spread to...
Colic - Sharp tummy pain which causes baby to pull legs up, scream, and go red in face; may be a reaction to dair...
Cot Death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - SIDS) - Happens to 13-15 in every 10,000 babies, usually...
Crying and Screaming - A baby's way of communicating hunger, thirst, discomfort, pain, loneliness, boredom, anxie...
Diarrhoea in Infants - Potentially serious in very young babies as it quickly leads to dehydration...
Eye Inflammation - Usually a combination of a mild infection and blocked tear ducts; if tear ducts cannot be unbl...
Feeding Problems in Infants - Modern wisdom is that babies should be fed on demand and allowed to feed until sati...
Fever in Infants - Generally a sign that body is marshalling its resources to fight and destroy infection; howeve...
Gastroenteritis in Infants - Potentially serious in very young babies since inflammation of stomach and small int...
Head Banging - Usually means that baby needs more love and attention; banging head on side of cot is an expressio...
Intussusception - Condition in which small intestine telescopes into large intestine, causing violent abdominal p...
Meningitis in Infants - Potentially more serious in infants and toddlers than in older children and adults as the...
Nappy Rash - Usually caused by ammoniacal reaction between urine and faeces, or by irritating chemicals in faeces...
Neonatal Jaundice - Many babies, especially babies born before term, develop a yellowish tinge within 2-3 days of...
Seborrhoeic Eczema - Common during first 3 months of life, affecting scalp, face, neck, armpits, or nappy area; s...
Sleep Problems in Infants - Generally speaking, newborn babies spend most of their time sleeping or dozing, wakin...
Slow Weight Gain - Most babies lose weight, often as much as 140 g (5 oz), in first few days, but by ten days old...
Umbilical Hernia - Soft bulge of tissue around navel due to weakness in abdominal wall; bulge can be pushed back ...
Vomiting in Infants - Regurgitation of small amounts of feed is quite normal, but if nearly all food is regurgita...
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