
Treatments - Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic Remedies
Special Diets

Here you will find a list of all remedies mentioned within this website. Browse the remedy list, sort the remedies alphabetically or use the Remedy Finder to find remedies that alleviate a particular symptom or combination of symptoms. Click the remedy name to read more.

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Remedy Anacardium  - Semecarpus anacardium - marking nut - ripe dried fruits
Remedy Antimonium crud.  - Stibium sulphuratum nigrum - black sulphide of antimony
Remedy Apis   - Apis mellifica - honey bee - whole bee, or poison from sting
Remedy Arsenicum  - Arsenicum album - arsenic trioxide
Remedy Bryonia  - Bryonia alba or B. dioica - white or common bryony - root before flowering
Remedy Carbo veg.  - Carbo vegetalis - vegetable charcoal, made from beech, birch or poplar wood
Remedy Causticum  - Causticum hahnemanni - potassium hydrate
Remedy Chelidonium  - Chelidonium magus - greater celidine - fresh rhizome and adherent roots
Remedy China  - China officinalis - Peruvian bark, quinine - dried bark of Chinchona succumbra from young trunk, older branches
Remedy Hepar sulph.  - Hepar sulphuris calcareum - calcium sulphide
Remedy Ipecac.  - Cephaelis ipecacuanha - ipecacuanha - dried root
Remedy Kali carb.  - Kalium carbonicum - potassium carbonate
Remedy Lachesis  - Trigonocephalus lachesis - bushmaster, surucucu snake - venom
Remedy Lycopodium  - Lycopodium clavatum - wolfsclaw club moss - spores
Remedy Natrum sulph.  - Natrum sulphuricum - Glauber's Salts, sodium sulphate
Remedy Opium  - Papaver somniferum - milky juice from unripe seed capsule of opium poppy
Remedy Phosphorus  - Phosphorus - phosphorus
Remedy Pulsatilla  - Pulsatilla pratensis subsq nigricans - wind flower, pasque flower - whole fresh plant when in flower
Remedy Silicea  - Silicea terra - flint
Remedy Spongia  - Euspongia officinalis - roasted common sponge
Remedy Sulphur  - Sulphur - sublimated sulphur
Remedy Veratrum  - Veratrum album - white or false hellebore - roots before plant comes into flower
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