Treatments - Homeopathic Remedies |
Cold > |
Draughts > |
Cold, Warmth & Heat > |
Light & Dark, Time of Day > |
Moon > |
Noise > |
Open Air > |
Sea > |
Seasons > |
Weather > |
Increase in Appetite |
Lack of Appetite |
Lack of Appetite Despite Hunger |
Lack of Appetite Accompanied by Thirst |
Lack of Appetite & Lack of Thirst |
Ravenous Appetite |
Bluish Complexion |
Dirty-looking Complexion |
Pale Complexion |
Red Complexion |
Sallow Complexion |
Yellow Complexion |
Coughing Aggravates Symptoms |
Dry Cough |
Cough Aggravated by Change in Temperature |
Cough Aggravated by Laughing & Talking |
Cough Accompanied by Thirst |
Burning, Scalding Discharges from Urethra |
Jelly-like Discharges from Urethra |
White, Milky-looking Discharges from Urethra |
Cold Drinks Alleviate Symptoms |
Aversion to Warm & Hot Drinks |
Desire for Cold Drinks |
Desire for Warm & Hot Drinks |
Desire for Whisky |
Eating Improves Symptoms |
Symptoms Worse Before Eating |
Symptoms Worse After Eating |
Symptoms Get Worse While Eating |
Eating to Satiety Alleviates Symptoms |
Anxious Facial Expression |
Haggard Facial Expression |
Old-looking Facial Expression |
Stupid, Stupefied Facial Expression |
Bad Breath |
Sore, Cracked Lips |
Mouth Feels Dry |
More Saliva than Usual |
Tongue Red All Over |
Tongue Red on Tip Only |
Touching Alleviates Symptoms |
Touching Aggravates Symptoms |
Firm Pressure Alleviates Symptoms |
Firm Pressure Aggravates Symptoms |
Rubbing Alleviates Symptoms |
Cloudy Urine |
Dark Urine |
Pale, Almost Colourless Urine |
Strong- or Offensive-smelling Urine |
Urinating Very Frequently |
Feeble Stream of Urine |
Excoriating Vaginal Discarge, Causing Skin to Blister |
Greenish Vaginal Discarge |
Transparent Vaginal Discarge, like Egg White |
Where Vomiting is Main Symptom |
Vomit Mainly Bile |
Vomit Contains Undigested Food |
Mucus in Vomit |
Vomit Tastes Sour |
Watery Vomit |