Treatments - Homeopathic Remedies |
Cold > |
Cold, Warmth & Heat > |
Light & Dark, Time of Day > |
Moon > |
Noise > |
Open Air > |
Sea > |
Seasons > |
Weather > |
Appetite Easily Satisfied |
Increase in Appetite |
Lack of Appetite |
Lack of Appetite Despite Hunger |
Lack of Appetite Accompanied by Thirst |
Ravenous Appetite |
Sickly Body Odour |
Sour Body Odour |
Breaking into Cold Sweats |
Breaking into Hot Sweats |
Sweat Smells Offensive |
Profuse Sweating |
Difficult, Laboured Breathing |
Gasping for Breath |
Irregular Breathing |
Rapid Breathing |
Sighing Frequently |
Wheezy or Asthmatic Breathing |
Copious Phlegm & Sputum |
Foul-smelling Phlegm & Sputum |
Frothy Phlegm & Sputum |
Heavily Infected Phlegm & Sputum |
Anxious Facial Expression |
Confused Facial Expression |
Distressed Facial Expression |
Haggard Facial Expression |
Sickly Facial Expression |
Stupid, Stupefied Facial Expression |
Suffering Facial Expression |
Bad Breath |
Sore, Cracked Lips |
Mouth Feels Dry |
More Saliva than Usual |
Tongue Feels Dry |
Tongue Red All Over |
Tongue Red on Tip Only |
Tongue Red Around Edges |
Tongue White & Coated |
Bloody Nasal Discharge |
Copious Nasal Discharge |
Excoriating Nasal Discharge (Very Irritant) |
Thick Nasal Discharge |
Watery Nasal Discharge |
Rest Alleviates Symptoms |
Rest Aggravates Symptoms |
Being in Bed Alleviates Symptoms |
Being in Bed Aggravates Symptoms |
Touching Aggravates Symptoms |
Firm Pressure Alleviates Symptoms |
Firm Pressure Aggravates Symptoms |
Rubbing Alleviates Symptoms |
Excoriating Vaginal Discarge, Causing Skin to Blister |
Thick Vaginal Discarge |
Unpleasant-smelling Vaginal Discarge |
Yellowish Vaginal Discarge |
Where Vomiting is Main Symptom |
Vomiting Bought on by Coughing |
Vomit Mainly Bile |
Vomit Contains Undigested Food |
Mucus in Vomit |
Vomit Tastes Sour |
Watery Vomit |