
Treatments - Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic Remedies
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Remedy Antimonium crud.  - Stibium sulphuratum nigrum - black sulphide of antimony
Remedy Arnica  - Arnica montana - leopard's bane, fallkraut - whole fresh plant, dried flowers or root
Remedy Belladonna  - Atropa belladonna - deadly nightshade - fresh plant as it comes into flower without woody stem
Remedy Bryonia  - Bryonia alba or B. dioica - white or common bryony - root before flowering
Remedy Calcarea phos.  - Calcium phosphoricum - calcium phosphate
Remedy Chelidonium  - Chelidonium magus - greater celidine - fresh rhizome and adherent roots
Remedy China  - China officinalis - Peruvian bark, quinine - dried bark of Chinchona succumbra from young trunk, older branches
Remedy Cicuta  - Cicuta virosa - water hemlock, cowbane - fresh root when plant is in flower
Remedy Cocculus  - Anomirta cocculus - Indian cockle - seeds, which contain picrotoxine, a powerful poison
Remedy Colocynth  - Citrullus colcynthis - bitter apple, bitter cucumber - pulp of fruit
Remedy Digitalis  - Digitalis purpurea - red foxglove - second year's leaves
Remedy Gelsemium  - Gelsemium sempervivens - yellow jasmine - fresh underground parts
Remedy Glonoinum  - Trinitrinum - trinitroglycerine
Remedy Graphites  - Graphites - black lead from finest English drawing pencils
Remedy Hypericum  - Hypericum perforatum - St John's wort - whole fresh plant
Remedy Ipecac.  - Cephaelis ipecacuanha - ipecacuanha - dried root
Remedy Kalmia  - Kalmia latifolia - mountain laurel or calico bush - fresh leaves when plant is in flower
Remedy Magnesia phos.  - Magnesium phosphoricum - magnesium phosphate
Remedy Manganum  - Manganum metallicum - manganese
Remedy Mercurius  - Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni - mercury, quicksilver
Remedy Nux vom.  - Strychnos nux vomica - poison nut tree - seeds
Remedy Picric ac.  - Acidum picrimicum - picric acid, trinitrophenol
Remedy Plumbum  - Plumbum metallicum - lead
Remedy Psorinum  - Psorinum - discharge from scabies blister
Remedy Sepia  - Sepia officinalis - cuttlefish ink
Remedy Silicea  - Silicea terra - flint
Remedy Spigelia  - Spigelia anthelmia - pinkroot - dried aerial parts
Remedy Staphisagria  - Delphinium staphysagria - stavesacre - seeds
Remedy Sulphuric ac.  - Acidum sulphuricum - sulphuric acid
Remedy Thuja  - Thuja occidentalis - tree of life, Arbor vitae, white cedar - fresh green twigs
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