Tearing of fibres in tendons (which connect muscles to bones), causing inflammation, soreness, and pain; usually caused by injury or overuse; Achilles tendon in heel is particularly vulnerable, as are tendons on elbows, causing tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow, although hitting balls is not a prerequisite! If the specific remedies and self-help measures mentioned below do not improve matters within 7 days, see your medical doctor; steroid injections may be given in bad cases.
Specific remedies to be taken 4 times daily for up to 7 days
- Tearing pain aggravated by rest, movement, or damp weather, wears off with continued movement Rhus tox. 6c
- Tearing pain, lameness, affected ankle feels bruised and broken Ruta 6c
Self-help: Rest and support are important for the first few days after injury - bandage affected ankle and calf, or put arm in a sling, and use limb as little as possible. Then start exercising very gently, avoiding movements which caused tendon to tear in first place; tendon may take two or three months to heal properly. |