Usually smelled by others! To test your breath, breath into the cupped palm of your hand and inhale. Various mouth and upper digestive tract conditions can cause bad breath, for example Tooth Decay, Gingivitis (inflamed gums), ulcer in the mouth or on the tongue (see Mouth Ulcers), Salivary Disorders, and Indigestion (gases from the stomach); bad breath can also accompany infections such as Colds, Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, and Laryngitis; metabolic disorders such as Diabetes, and smoking, drugs, and fasting can also cause the breath to smell. In such circumstances, toothpastes and mouthwashes are of little avail.
Specific remedies to be taken 3 times daily for up to 7 days
- Breath smells sour, especially after a stomach upset, after meals, or after drinking alcohol, slight nausea, worse in morning Nux 6c
- Breath and sweat smell offensive, whole room smells of bad breath, copious saliva, dental decay, tongue yellow and furry Mercurius 6c
- After eating fatty food, person not at all thirsty, mouth dry Pulsatilla 6c
- Breath smells putrid or bitter, especially in young people of pubertal age Aurum 6c
- Putrid-smelling breath, gums healthy but teeth loose, mouth ulcers Nitric ac. 6c
- Breath smells of onions Petroselinum 6c
- Breath smells of faeces Quercus 6c
- Bad breath due to blood in mouth, especially after injury Arnica 6c
Self-help: The obvious course is to avoid foods and other substances that leave a strong odour behind or cause indigestion (garlic, onions, fats, alcohol, nicotine). Pay regular visits to the dentist and practice good dental hygiene. STOP SMOKING! |