Diarrhoea During Pregnancy
see also Diarrhoea
The danger of diarrhoea during pregnancy is that it may trigger off a Miscarriage. If three or more successive bowel movements are very loose and watery, consult your doctor if there is no improvement in 2 hours. In the meantime, select a remedy from the list below.
Specific remedies to be taken every hour for up to 10 doses
- Cramping pains in abdomen, yellow-green stools which look like chopped egg Chamomilla 30c
- Cramping pains in abdomen, stools yellow-green and watery, slimy tongue and bitter taste in mouth, no thirst, symptoms worse at night Pulsatilla 30c
- Diarrhoea follows over-chilling after exertion Dulcamara 30c
- Diarrhoea makes you rush to the lavatory first thing in morning, no abdominal pain Sulphur 30c
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