Repetitive stumbling over consonants at beginnings of words, usually a sign of Stress in children over five and not improved by trying hard not to stammer. Conventional treatment is speech therapy. Constitutional treatment may help if stammering is part of a larger picture of nervousness, Insecurity and Lack of Confidence.
Specific remedies to be given 3 times daily for up to 14 days
- Child excitable, given to muttering, flailing limb movements Stramonium 6c
- Child talks too fast and trips over words, making stammering worse Hyoscyamus 6c
- General twitching of limbs Zinc 6c
- Nervous spasms of face and limbs Cuprum 6c
- Nervous tics, stammering and nervousness worse with cold Agaricus 6c
- Trembling tongue, too much saliva in mouth Mercurius 6c
- Child irritable and over-critical Nux 6c
Self-help: Reduce amount of copper in child's environment and diet. |
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