Inflammation of membranes (pleurae) surrounding lungs, caused by infections such as Pneumonia and Tuberculosis, by injury, or by seepage of air into space between pleurae (see pneumothorax). Inflammation causes severe chest pain, usually one-sided, and makes breathing painful; if fluid accumulates in space between pleurae (pleural effusion) pain abates because membranes are no longer rubbing together, but person may become breathless due to pressure of fluid on lung; if fluid-filled pleurae become infected, result is empyema. In addition to treating underlying condition, possibly with antibiotics, medical doctor may prescribe painkillers. Specific homeopathic remedies should be chosen either from those listed under causes mentioned above, or from those below.
Specific remedies to be given every hour for up to 10 doses during acute attack; if no improvement within 12 hours, see your medical doctor
- Pleural pain aggravated by movement but soothed by lying on affected side, person thirsty and irritable Bryonia 30c
- Fluid pressing on affected lung, sharp cutting pains, made worse by slightest movement Sulphur 30c
- Dry, staccato cough, sneezing, stitching pain in chest, wanting to take deep breaths Squilla 30c
- Sharp pain comes on suddenly after exposure to cold dry wind, breathlessness, anxiety, fear of dying Aconite 30c
- Fluid on lung causes breathlessness and burning pains, mild fever, heartbeat rapid and irregular, frequent dry cough Cantharis 30c
- Pains comes on very suddenly, face flushed and hot, great thirst, delirium Belladonna 30c
- If recovery from pleurisy is slow, and complicated by fluid on lung Hepar sulph. 30c