see also Hiatus Hernia
Bulging of soft tissue through a weak point in a sheet of muscle or between muscles - muscles may be congenitally weak, or weakened by overstrain or lack of use; most common in abdominal wall, occurring just above or below navel, or in fold between abdomen and thigh. Some hernias develop gradually, others suddenly, after strenuous lifting, for example; some produce a noticeable bulge, others merely a feeling of heaviness and tenderness. If a small portion of intestine protrudes through a weak point, there is a danger that it will become obstructed or, if blood supply is cut off, strangulated; if this happens, contact Emergency Medical Services. A strangulated hernia looks very red and swollen and is extremely painful; an obstructed hernia causes Abdominal Pain, and Nausea and Vomiting.
If you suspect that a bulge or area of tenderness may be a hernia, see your medical doctor. Even if soft tissue can be pushed back inside hernia, muscle wall remains weak and hernia is likely to recur. Routine treatment is surgical repair of muscle wall, but until surgery can be arranged, you may have to wear a corset or truss.
Specific remedies to be taken 4 times daily for up to 14 days while waiting for surgery
- Remedy of first resort Nux 6c
- Hernia on right side of groin, cutting pain Aesculus 6c
Self-help: Avoid lifting all but the lightest objects. After surgery, you should not attempt to lift anything heavy for at least 3 or 4 months. |