
Injury to Kidneys, Bladder or Urethra

Kidney Injuries
Usually caused by a blow under the ribs, or a crushing injury to the ribcage or upper abdomen; injury may merely bruise kidneys and ureters; more seriously, it may rupture them, releasing urine into the abdominal cavity and causing Peritonitis. Most kidney injuries declare themselves by blood in urine. Rupture causes severe back pain in kidney area, made worse by pressure and movement, plus the symptoms of peritonitis (nausea, vomiting, distended abdomen, fever); appropriate action is to contact Emergency Medical Services, and give Aconite 30c every 5 minutes until help arrives. If kidney is damaged beyond repair, it may need to be removed. If kidney is merely bruised, recovery takes 7-10 days.

Specific remedy to be given every 2 hours for up to 2 days during recovery from injury

  • Arnica 30c

Bladder and Urethra Injuries
Most bladder injuries are caused by blows which fracture the pelvis and cause splinters of bone to puncture the bladder typically after a road traffic accident; in addition to severe pain in the lower abdomen, blood in urine, and inability to urinate, urine may seep into the abdominal cavity and cause Peritonitis or person may go into shock. In men, the urethra can be ruptured by a straddling fall or a blow to the groin; as well as agonising pain, there may be subsequent difficult urinating, and narrowing of the urethra as the injury heals (see Urethral Stricture - Penis Problems); urethral injuries in women are rare.

If rupture of either urethra or bladder is suspected, contact Emergency Medical Services, and give Aconite 30c every 5 minutes until help arrives. If urination is still possible, even if scanty or painful, give one or other of the remedies below, but if blood appears in urine or Retention of Urine sets in, consult your doctor if there is no improvement in 2 hours.

Specific remedies to be given ½ -hourly for up to 10 doses immediately after injury

  • Injury involves bruising only Arnica 30c
  • Very scanty amounts of urine passed Opium 30c
  • If injury leads on to cystitis, take Staphysagria 30c every 2 hours for up to 10 doses

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