A defence against being thought uninteresting, silly, inexperienced, etc. In reality, most 'shy' people are thoughtful and sensitive - traits which are much more attractive than brashness and loudness - but they reject themselves rather than risk the pain of being rejected by others; the signals that go with shyness - avoidance of eye contact, folded arms, crossed legs, muttered or monosyllabic replies to questions - are also those which tell other people 'I am not interested in you'.
Constitutional homeopathic treatment is recommended if shyness is part of general insecurity and lack of self-confidence. If shyness is only a problem in certain situations, select an appropriate remedy from the list below.
Specific remedies to be taken hourly for up to 5 doses before or during situation which causes apprehension
- Person quiet and sensitive, cries and blushes easily, panics in hot stuffy rooms Pulsatilla 30c
- Person timid, inclined to break down in tears, sometimes obstinate, feels the cold, especially cold winds Silicea 30c
- Person very pale, highly strung, fearful, desperately in need of affection and reassurance Phosphorus 30c
- Great nervousness about new situations, tendency to conceal nervousness by bragging and behaving outrageously or violently Lycopodium 30c
Self-help: It often helps to admit being shy; that way, other people make a little more effort to break the ice and draw you out. Try to concentrate on the other person, not on yourself. Relax. Watch and listen. Is everyone else consistently brilliant and witty? Of course not. Ask open questions like 'What do you think of...' or 'How do you feel about...' rather than questions like 'What do you do?' or 'Have you been to see...' which invite factual, potentially dialogue-stopping answers. |