Inflammation of windpipe (trachea), causing sore, burning sensation as air is taken into lungs; in most cases it is of short duration and requires no treatment. Usually caused by viruses responsible for Colds, Influenza, Laryngitis and Bronchitis.
Specific remedies to be taken every hour, then every 4 hours as symptoms subside, for up to 3 days
- Raw, scraped feeling in windpipe, tickly cough, cold air and slightest pressure on windpipe make rawness worse Rumex 30c
- Windpipe feels raw, frequent hacking cough, gulping ice-cold drinks to quench thirst Phosphorus 30c
- Soreness made worse by talking, exercise, warm rooms, and cigarette smoke, painful cough Bryonia 30c
- Sensation of swelling not relieved by swallowing, pain seems to invade root of tongue, symptoms worse after sleeping, person cannot stand throat being touched or wrapped up Lachesis 30c
- Tenacious, sticky phlegm which is difficult to bring up Kali bichrom. 30c
- Trachea feels as if there is a raw, sore streak down it, mucus too far down to be coughed up Causticum 30c
- Sweetish, yellow phlegm, sore sensation at base of trachea after coughing Stannum 30c
Self-help: Take extra Vitamin C and humidify air if home is centrally heated. |