Essential for the production of the hormone thyroxine, which is responsible for regulating the metabolic rate, ensuring normal growth and maintaining skin and hair. A deficiency may lead to Goitre, a swelling of the thyroid gland which is located in the neck.
Sources Seafood, seaweed, kelp, lava bread, iodised salt and fish liver oils
Supplements Available Kelp or iodine tablets or solution, capsules of fish oils from chemists, health food shops or on prescription
DRV* Infants 50-60 mcg Children 70-110 mcg Women 130-140 mcg Men 130-140 mcg
Important Notes Dosages advised are deliberately on the safe side and may not be high enough to give benefit, but it is recommended that higher dosages should only be taken under the care of a practitioner experienced in nutritional medicine.
* for explanation, please see Introduction to Nutritional Supplements |